Saturday, December 16, 2006

Here We Go

It's been 230 days since The Hellkat sprang forth from my loins and I'm finally getting around to writing about it. If you're stuck in a room with me for more than five minutes you'll wonder why I need another outlet for my adoration of this little kid but I figure that getting it out here will get it out of my system. It also kinda makes up for the baby journals I never managed to put together. Hellkat, this is your legacy.

At some point I'll go backward and write about what's happened up to now but for now I think I'll describe what our life is like right now. I live in a small New York apartment with The Father, The Dog, and The Hellkat. We don't have quite enough room, money, or time, but we love each other and are happy. The Hellkat is, of course, growing up way too fast. She's 7.5 months and is suddenly hitting more milestones than I can keep track of. The best -- clapping, dancing, waving, and eating Cheerios without gagging. The worst -- teething. She's not a biter but my nips still suffer.

I'm working full-time, the kid's in daycare, and I'm still pumping 3x a day and nursing. When I'm not doing one of the above I'm struggling with thoughts of weaning and fantasies about winning the lottery or the spontaneous offer of a high paying 3-day-a-week job so that I can work part-time and hang out with my most excellent child more.

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