Tuesday, December 19, 2006

The Christmas Grind

On Sunday night we decorated Hellkat’s first Christmas tree with a few friends, too much wine, and a lot of really rich food. We’ve gone treeless for the past few years largely because the act of digging our accumulated decorations out of our crammed-with-crap storage space is daunting but also because I’ve come to loathe the holiday season and all of its attendant obligations, expenses, and out-of-control consumerism. Thankfully, M. allowed me to badger him into disassembling and reassembling the intricately piled and useless garbage we save in our basement storage unit for future use and our friends let us. it this year and we coerced our friends into helping us decorate it. I am officially grateful, y'all. It's just as sparklelicious and bubbly as I remember it!

I know she doesn’t really give a shit but I can't shake the feeling that it's important to make H.’s first Christmas as festive as possible even though our sleep deprived souls can barely muster enough energy to face the day. So, in honor of The Hellkat I've been listening to all of the holiday tunes we had hidden under the bed, strapping H. into her sling and shopping my ass off. Of course, she’s been cheerful throughout and in the face of her chipper little spirit, I think the spirit of Christmas may be starting to eke its way back into my scroogey heart.

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